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Acne is a way of life. Just about every single person on the planet will have to deal with acne at least one time or another in their life. One positive thing for individuals who are currently suffering with acne is that BBL treatments can help to treat it in a safe and effective way.

Unfortunately, acne does not only affect teenagers. There are many adults who are battling with severe acne. If having acne as a teenager is difficult, having acne as an adult can be emotionally paralyzing. What makes it more frustrating is the fact that you can try all of the over-the-counter remedies you want, and there’s just no guarantee that you’re going to have the results that are promised. In fact, if you’re not careful, a lot of the over-the-counter acne treatments you can buy will actually make your skin worse. Thankfully, there are BBL treatments.

BBL therapy has been shown to be a helpful anti-acne treatment. For some people, it has even allowed them to stop using long-term antibiotics or other oral medicines. BBL treatments have been approved by the FDA. They work by using blue light to target the acne bacteria in your skin. Then, red light is passed over your skin to minimize the redness that is associated with deep acne lesions. Finally, a third filter is used that is designed to minimize the amount of oil that your skin produces.

The treatment sessions are performed in the comfort of our office. During the treatment, the practitioner will put a gel on your skin and then begin with the light treatment. Most patients only experience a minimal amount of discomfort.

To get the most out of your BBL treatments, it is recommended that you undergo a series of treatment sessions that are spaced out a set amount of time apart. After some time, you may want a touch-up treatment in order to keep your skin looking its best.

Unfortunately, acne is a part of life. However, thanks to BBL treatments at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery, it is a part of life that you can control. Our office is located in Edinburg and we happily serve men and women in the Rio Grande Valley and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!

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