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It is rare for a woman to have perfectly symmetrical breasts. It is more common for women to have breasts that have some slight differences either in their shape or their size. For many women, the asymmetry is relatively slight, so it is not noticeable. Other women have problems with symmetry that are definitely noticeable. One breast may be larger or a different shape than the other. This can take a serious toll on a woman’s self-esteem. If you are dealing with breast asymmetry, learn more about breast augmentation.

What Causes Breast Asymmetry?

There are a number of factors that can lead to breast asymmetry. A factor for many women is that their breasts developed unevenly during their adolescence years. Some women deal with hypertrophy. This is a condition where one breast suddenly grows extremely large during the teenage or young adult years.

Breast asymmetry may be the result of pregnancy or may come during breastfeeding. As a woman ages, she may notice that her breasts shrink in an uneven way. There are also certain medical conditions that can lead to one breast becoming a different size than the other.

When you gain weight or when you lose weight, this does not always happen in an even way. So some women experience one breast growing larger than the other. Other conditions that can lead to breast asymmetry include surgery to remove breast cancer or poor results from a previous breast augmentation procedure.

Correcting Breast Asymmetry

Thankfully, breast augmentation surgery can easily correct breast asymmetry. Depending on how severe the asymmetry is, our surgeon may recommend augmenting the size of one breast or both breasts. The surgery can be completely customized to meet the needs of each patient. For example, if the asymmetry is drastic, our surgeon may recommend augmenting one breast and then doing a breast reduction on the larger one.

If time and age have resulted in breast shrinkage, our surgeon may recommend breast augmentation as well as a breast lift. This could help you achieve the best results. In some instances, different size implants may be needed in order to give your breasts the symmetry you want.

For many women, breast asymmetry is a source of embarrassment and loss of confidence. If this is true in your case, we warmly invite you to book an appointment at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery to learn more about breast augmentation in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV. This procedure may be exactly what you need to restore your confidence and get your life back on track. Contact us today to set up a consultation at our office in Edinburg.

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