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Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery out there today. It is a way to take charge of your appearance and get the body you’ve always wanted. There are many benefits associated with this procedure. Some of these benefits are quite obvious, such as giving you larger breasts and more cleavage. Others, however, you may not have considered!

Breast augmentation aims to enlarge your chest in a natural looking way. There are different types of implants available, depending on your anatomy and your desires. Both saline and silicone implants have distinct advantages. Surgical openings are made in a discreet manner so any scarring is easy to hide. The first step in the breast augmentation process is always to have a consultation where all the options can be discussed.

More Flattering Fit

Many women feel that their clothing options open up after breast augmentation. Shopping for anything from elegant dresses to bathing suits can be much more enjoyable. If you are someone who has felt that their hips were large in comparison to your chest, augmentation can help bring balance and expand your fashion choices.

Boosted Confidence

Disliking the size or appearance of your breasts can make it difficult to have high self-esteem. By giving yourself the chest you have always wanted, it is easy to feel confident out in the world. It can also be very empowering to take steps to change your body the way you want. Additionally, low self-esteem has been linked to poor health. By boosting yours, you can improve your overall quality of life.

Fixed Asymmetry

A certain degree of asymmetry between the breasts is to be expected. For some women, however, the difference is noticeable to the point that they are embarrassed. Two different sized implants can be used in breast augmentation in order to bring balance to your chest.

Improved Sex Life

Believe it or not, multiple studies have been conducted into a woman’s sexual satisfaction before and after augmentation. The results were overwhelming. A study done by the University of Florida saw an improvement in arousal, satisfaction, and desire after their surgery. This is likely caused by the boosted confidence in both their bodies and themselves in general.

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation and how it might benefit you, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Rios Center for Plastic Surgery. At our convenient location in Edinburg we are proud to serve the Rio Grande Valley. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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