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If you are like most McAllen residents, you might be shocked about how much your skin has changed with age. As you age, more and more wrinkles start to appear on your face, many of them unwanted. You can take steps to eliminate unwanted wrinkles with BOTOX® in McAllen.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what BOTOX® is and how it works. BOTOX® is not a dermal filler. BOTOX® is a neuro-blocker that temporarily relaxes nerves in the treated area with the goal of allowing the muscles that connect to those nerves time to relax.

The wrinkles that BOTOX® addresses are called dynamic wrinkles. A great example of a dynamic wrinkle is crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are the wrinkles you see on the side of your eyes when you smile. Have you ever wondered why you have those wrinkles? Those wrinkles are developing because when you smile, the muscles underneath your skin around your eyes contract.

As you have aged, the skin on your face has gotten thinner. This means that when you smile and when you contract your facial muscles, the movement of your muscles is telegraphed through your skin. You can imagine the number of times you smile voluntarily or involuntarily throughout the day. Every time you do this, the skin around your eyes is being folded like a piece of paper.

When you were younger and your skin was thicker, it was able to bounce back from these folds as if nothing had happened. However, now that you are older and your skin has less elastin and less collagen, it is not able to bounce back from these folds as quickly as it did before. With time, the constant folding of your skin leaves creases. These creases are similar to what you would see on a piece of paper that was folded.

What BOTOX® in McAllen does is prevent those muscles around your eyes, or in any other treated area, from contracting as forcefully. Since your muscles are not able to fold your skin, wrinkles do not develop. Since your skin is able to go through a period of time without being folded, the wrinkles that were there begin to disappear. Little by little, the signs of aging caused by dynamic wrinkles disappear. You look younger, you look more refreshed, and your unwanted wrinkles go away.

Are you tired of dealing with unwanted wrinkles? Then eliminate them with BOTOX® treatment at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg. Contact us today to book your consultation!

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