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You’re not sure when your body changed so dramatically, but it has. Your bust is headed toward your waistline. Forget about what they look like when the bra comes off. You want to hide. It’s having a negative impact on your self-esteem and your relationship with your partner. When you feel bad about yourself, it reflects in everything that you do. A breast lift can lift your spirits as it raises your breasts up to a perkier position.

What Has Happened to Your Breasts?

As you get older, life takes a toll on your bust. Changes in your weight can have an impact on your breasts, weighing them down to the point that they droop. Pregnancy is another factor that can lead to sagging breasts. While you are expecting and breastfeeding, your breasts swell. Once that is over, they shrink down again. They may never snap back to a youthful position.

Aging is another factor that affects your breasts. As menopause gets closer, your body stops producing as much collagen. This can cause your breasts to droop. Regardless of why your breasts are sagging, you don’t have to live with them the way that they are. A breast lift may be the solution for you.

What Can You Expect with a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is not intended to change the size of your breasts. It will lift them up again when life has dragged them down. While the exact procedure varies from patient to patient based on their individual needs, it generally involves removing excess tissue, reshaping the breast tissue and raising the areolas. In the end, your breasts will be perkier once again.

Is a Breast Lift the Answer for You?

A breast lift is ideal for those who are in generally good health, are at a stable weight and do not plan on having any more children. If this describes you, you would likely make a good candidate for this procedure. If you are unsure, Dr. Rios is the best source for information to decide if now is the right time for a breast lift.

Ask Us About a Breast Lift Today

You deserve to feel good about your breasts when you look at your body. Drooping breasts can really make you feel bad about yourself. It’s time to turn the situation around by making an appointment for a consultation with us at the Rios Center for Plastic Surgery. Our skilled plastic surgeon will determine if a breast lift can help you. If it can, Dr. Rios will let you know exactly what to expect and how to prepare. Contact our office in Edinburg today to schedule your consultation!

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