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There are a lot of very active individuals who have always been plagued with a large midsection. They run, they go to the gym, they watch their diet, and still they do not get the results that they want in their midsection. It can be frustrating for these individuals to watch friends and family members who do not have to go through such extensive routines maintain a flat stomach. When they talk to fitness professionals about why they can’t lose their midsection, they are often told that they need to exercise more. But this isn’t necessarily the case. These individuals might need some surgical help in getting rid of the excess skin and fat they have. They might need a tummy tuck.

A good candidate for a tummy tuck is going to have loose skin around their midsection. Although tummy tucks are definitely used as a way to get rid of excess fat, in order to qualify as a candidate for this procedure, you should also have excess skin around your midsection.

To be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, you should also be in good health. Statistics show that a tummy tuck is a relatively low-risk procedure. However, as with any other surgical procedure, if you have serious underlying health problems, you may develop complications during or after the procedure.

In order to be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, you have to be realistic when it comes to what the surgery can and cannot do for you. This popular procedure can do amazing things for your appearance. It can boost your self-confidence. However, tummy tucks are not meant to be weight loss procedures. Additionally, you should be realistic about your recovery.

A tummy tuck produces great results, but the results are not automatically permanent. To maintain the results, you have to continue with your diet and exercise routine. If you can commit to a healthy lifestyle, if you are a mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy individual, if you have realistic expectations for the procedure, and if you have the type of issues that a tummy tuck can fix, you may be an excellent candidate for this procedure. You can find out for sure during a consultation at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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