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Would you like to have more time to do things that you enjoy? One of the ways that many individuals have been able to accomplish this goal is by having laser hair removal performed on areas of their body where they have unwanted hair. Since you will most likely be able to achieve significant hair reduction with this treatment, you are going to have a lot more free time. We invite you to learn how this treatment is performed and about the many benefits you can receive from it.

How is the Treatment Performed?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about how this treatment is performed and the type of preparation a person needs to do before they visit our office. One of the things we hear on a regular basis is that laser hair removal just burns the hair off of the body. This is simply not true. The energy from the laser actually damages hair follicles that are growing through an active growth phase. These damaged hair follicles may not be able to grow again unless a person experiences some type of hormonal change.

It is necessary for a person to return to our office multiple times in order to get the best results. Something that surprises many of our clients is that not all of the hair that is on the body is actively growing. We need to be able to schedule a series of treatment sessions in order to use the energy from the laser to damage hair follicles that are actively growing. We have seen the best results by having our clients visit us multiple times.

Sometimes this makes our clients feel nervous because they have the idea that they will not be able to shave in between appointments. The idea of going for weeks or months without shaving turns a lot of people off from the idea of laser hair removal. However, this is another misconception. We may actually encourage our clients to shave before they visit us for their treatment.

Is This the Right Option for You?

You may have heard that only individuals with certain hair and skin tone combinations get good results with laser hair removal. In the past, it was true. Nowadays, technology has made it possible for individuals with a variety of hair and skin tones to enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal.

You are warmly invited to schedule a consultation at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg. This is the best way for you to find out about the results that you could get with laser hair removal. We would love to tell you about how this treatment could add more convenience to your life. If you live in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV or the surrounding area, feel free to contact us today to book an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you!

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