Liposuction is performed more than 300,000 times every year in the United States. This procedure removes fat from the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chin, neck, back, calves, arms, and other areas. Liposuction is suitable for both men and women. A hollow instrument called a cannula is inserted beneath the skin to remove fat using specialized techniques. The best candidates have a stable weight but are concerned with undesirable fat deposits in specific areas that have not responded to exercise and diet. The procedure enhances the body’s contours and alters the shape of the body by permanently removing the cells of fat.
There is a limit to the amount of fat that can be removed by liposuction. Once the procedure has been completed, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet. This treatment is the most effective if your skin has good elasticity and tone since this will enable your body to contour properly. You must be in good health and over the age of eighteen to be a candidate for liposuction. Although the procedure is usually used for cosmetic benefits, there are health conditions that may be treated using liposuction. This includes gynecomastia.
You will be required to take some basic health tests prior to your surgery to ensure you are in good physical health. The actual procedure is outpatient in nature. During the process, the targeted areas of fat are removed, and the patient can then move forward with the recovery.
Ultrasound liposuction or UAL is another popular technique. Ultrasound is used to energize the cannula to ensure the fat will melt away as soon as contact is made. The vibrations of the ultrasound cause the fat cell walls to burst. This liquefies or emulsifies the fat so it suctions out much easier. This method is used for fibrous areas including the male back and breast and areas where liposuction has been used in the past. Once the ultrasonic portion of the procedure has been completed, the liquefied fat is removed with the assistance of suction.
If you are interested in having liposuction in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area, schedule a personal consultation here at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg so that you can get all the facts about the procedure and find out if it’s right for you. Contact our office today to book your appointment!
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