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What is liposuction? It’s a popular procedure we perform at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery to help our clients achieve a sculpted body. If you’re considering traditional or laser liposuction, understanding the recovery process is a major step to deciding which method is best for you.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from areas of the body, including:

  • Stomach
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Neck
  • Hips

Liposuction helps improve your proportion and overall body contour. During a liposuction procedure, we insert a thin tube called a cannula through an incision. The cannula helps loosen the fat cells and suction them out through a surgical vacuum.

Keep in mind that liposuction wasn’t designed as a treatment for weight loss. It’s also not a substitute for proper diet and exercise. Liposuction eliminates stubborn pockets of fat from areas of the body that aren’t responding to your best efforts through diet and exercise alone.

If you’re considering one of the many forms of liposuction, whether that’s stomach liposuction, arm liposuction, neck liposuction, or anything in between, it’s important to set realistic expectations so you can properly enjoy your results.

The First 24 Hours After Liposuction

The first 24 hours of liposuction recovery are critical for ensuring you have a smooth and successful healing road ahead. Immediately following your liposuction procedure, we’ll move you to a recovery area where we can monitor you until the anesthesia wears off and you’re able to go home.

Post-Procedure Care

Another important step in liposuction recovery is closely following post-procedure care instructions. These guidelines are meant to help enhance your comfort and allow you to heal faster.

Rest and Hydrate

Rest is absolutely crucial following your liposuction procedure. Your body needs time to properly heal and recover. You should also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, which can help minimize swelling.

Wear Compression Garments as Directed

Although every patient is different, we will more than likely recommend that you wear compression garments on the treated areas during recovery. These compression garments are designed to reduce swelling and help contour the body.

Light, Easy Movement

Resting is important, but so is light movement. Try taking short, gentle walks around your home to get your blood flowing, which aids healing.

Focus on Nutrition

Eating a nutrient-dense diet full of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains helps provide your body with the fuel it needs to heal effectively. Do your best during recovery to avoid salty foods and alcohol, which can increase swelling and slow healing.

Returning to Everyday Life After Liposuction

Your recovery time will largely depend on your body and health, as well as the extent of your liposuction procedure. For example, if you only received neck liposuction, your recovery would probably be shorter than a patient who received both stomach liposuction and arm liposuction in a single session. Your recovery timeline will be unique to you, so listen to your body and don’t rush the healing process.

Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

After investing in a liposuction procedure, you’ll want to maintain your body contouring results as long as you can. Here are some tips that will help you preserve your liposuction results.

Avoid Significant Weight Gain

Although the fat cells removed during liposuction are permanently gone, you could regrow fat cells in the treated area if you experience significant weight gain. Try to maintain a stable weight in order to keep your new shape.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The nutrient-rich diet you consume during recovery should become a standard in your overall lifestyle. You can certainly still enjoy sugary, processed foods and drinks, but try to limit them to special occasions rather than consuming them daily.

Follow a Regular Exercise Routine

Regular physical activity isn’t just good for weight loss — it’s incredible for your overall health and wellness. Exercise helps keep your bones and heart healthy so you can enjoy a great quality of life for years to come.

Wait to begin exercising until we’ve cleared you after liposuction. Once you’ve received the green light, add in a few days of cardiovascular and resistance training every week.

Go to Your Check-Ups

Keep up with your regular check-ups so that we can ensure you’re recovering on schedule.

Understanding Different Liposuction Procedures

Though there is one goal of liposuction, there are a couple of different techniques we can use to achieve the outcome.

Traditional Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is sometimes called suction-assisted liposuction and is the standard method of liposuction. It’s quite effective for larger areas of the body and volumes of fat.

Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction uses laser energy to liquefy fat before removing it. Laser liposuction has an impressive advantage — it can stimulate collagen production, which tightens the skin in the treated area.

As you age, collagen production reduces, which is why the skin becomes thinner and saggier. By stimulating collagen production, laser liposuction not only removes excess fat but also tightens your skin. We usually use laser liposuction for smaller areas of the body or for more detailed contouring work.

Liposuction Procedures in Edinburg, TX

At Rios Center for Plastic Surgery, we offer both traditional and laser liposuction to meet the unique needs of our clientele. You may have tried everything to achieve that sculpted look, but it might be time for another approach. If you’re tired of dealing with stubborn fat that is resistant to diet changes or exercise, we can help! Contact us to learn more about our services and to schedule a personalized consultation.

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