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Do you live in McAllen, TX? Are you frustrated with your current appearance and want to do something to improve the way you look? If so, you should know that there are options available that can work for you. Plastic surgery procedures have helped many of your neighbors look and feel better. You may be thinking to yourself, I don’t know anyone who’s had plastic surgery. However, the truth is that you likely do know someone who has had a plastic surgical procedure. However, because the surgery they had was so natural and was so well executed, the results are all but unnoticeable. You can have the same results and get the appearance you desperately want.

One of the most common forms of plastic surgery in McAllen, TX is rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is designed to reshape and slightly reposition the nose. Rhinoplasty is so important because your nose plays a vital role in bringing harmony to your face. A nose that is too small can make your other facial features look exaggerated. A nose that is too large can dwarf your other facial features, making the rest of your facial features lose the prominence that they need. A slightly crooked nose can detract from the harmony of your face. A hooked nose, a nose with a hump in the middle, or a nose that is not symmetrical can ruin your facial appearance. Rhinoplasty can help you look better.

A facelift is another plastic surgery option that’s available in McAllen, TX. A facelift is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. The reason why people have a facelift is because they want to restore the youthful appearance they had a few years ago. What a facelift does, as the name implies, is reposition facial structures that have drooped with time. As you get older, your skin, your facial muscles, and facial fat deposits all move as a result of gravity’s pull on them. This is what gives you that older, droopy look. A facelift can fix all of that. It can tighten up your jowls, reposition facial muscles and facial fat, tighten up your skin, and give you a younger yet natural look.

Some people don’t need a facelift. That’s just a little bit too much for their current situation. Instead, they may need a forehead lift. It could be that their forehead is so heavy that it’s actually pushing on their eyelids. Individuals who have benefited from a forehead lift are often told by others that they looked angry, tired, anxious, and worried even though they didn’t feel that way at all. When some of the excess fat is removed from the forehead and when forehead muscles are tightened, a person can take on a more vibrant, youthful appearance.

There are a number of plastic surgery procedures that can improve your appearance. Modern cosmetic surgical procedures can remove excess pockets of fat from your midsection, add volume or remove volume from your chin, plump up your lips, and do a whole host of other things all designed to help you look and feel your best. To learn more, contact us today at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation to explore your options for plastic surgery. Our team proudly serves the McAllen, TX, area from our office in Edinburg.

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