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When you think about some of the more popular cosmetic procedures that are being performed today, what are the surgical procedures that first pop into your mind? If you are like most people, you’re probably thinking about breast augmentation.

Just think for a minute about breast augmentation. It’s estimated that in the 2011 calendar year, approximately 307,000 women got breast implants. Not all of them had breast implants for purely cosmetic reasons. Many had breast implants in connection with restorative surgery after an accident or after an illness. But, still, this does not negate the fact that breast augmentation procedures are extremely popular.

When talking to women about why they opt to have these procedures performed, there are a wide range of reasons. The truth is that the reason for having breast augmentation varies from woman to woman. One theme that is constant throughout when talking to different women is the fact that women who have breast augmentation are looking to improve their self-esteem.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to improve the way that you look so that you can improve the way that you feel about yourself. Many women feel an increased level of self-esteem after they have breast augmentation. They feel more comfortable in the clothing that they wear, and they feel better overall.

Some women have disproportionately small breasts. Women who are battling with this feel embarrassed about their figure. For these women, breast augmentation gives them the confidence that they need to feel happy with the way that they look.

Some women have breasts that are asymmetrical. They may be so drastically uneven that they not only impact the way that the woman looks, but they also impact the woman’s ability to wear clothing. So, they might have a breast enhancement procedure performed to give themselves a more symmetrical appearance.

There are a number of reasons why breast augmentation procedures are so popular. They can help you attain a figure that you are proud of, thereby boosting your confidence and your self-esteem. Make an appointment at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg to see if this procedure can work for you. Dr. Rios and his team proudly serve clients in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for breast augmentation!

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