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Is your chin making you look older and heavier than you are? Would you like to tone down fullness under your chin for a more defined profile? It’s now possible to get rid of a double chin with a series of easy injections at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery, in Edinburg, TX. Although results are not immediate, most of our Rio Grande Valley patients see improvement within four to six weeks. Trust us: Kybella results are worth the wait. Learn more about how fast does Kybella work.

Understanding Kybella

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that is specifically designed to get rid of submental fullness or the fullness that can develop under the chin. This treatment is formulated with synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat.

Once this acid has been injected under the chin, it goes to work on fat cells in that area, breaking them down and eliminating that fullness. And if that’s not enough, this treatment also tightens up the skin under the chin, further improving the patient’s results.

How Fast Does Kybella Work?

Because it takes time for the acid to break down the fat cells under the chin, it may take four to six weeks for results to appear. Many patients need a series of four to six treatments, each scheduled at least one month apart, to fully address the chin area. No patient receives more than six treatments.

Will the Results Be Permanent?

Patients love the fact that this treatment permanently gets rid of fullness under the chin. Once you’ve gone through the full course of treatments, those fat cells will be gone for good. You won’t have to return for maintenance treatments and you won’t have to do anything special to maintain your new look. If you’re ready to permanently put that double chin behind you, this treatment is for you.

What Can I Expect From Treatment?

We’ll start by rubbing a numbing cream on the skin beneath the chin and making a few marks that will serve as guidelines during your appointment. Most treatments involve several injections, which will take place in relatively quick succession.

Your total time in the office will be about 20 minutes, and you’ll be free to get right back to your regular schedule afterward. All we ask of patients is that they refrain from vigorous exercise and from massaging the injection site for several days.

Do I Have Other Treatment Options?

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of excess fullness under the chin, you do have options. For years liposuction was the primary way of addressing this condition. Although effective, liposuction is a more invasive treatment that requires a period of recovery. Not every patient is a candidate for liposuction.

A body-contouring treatment called CoolSculpting is a newer option offered by our practice that can also help with a double chin. During CoolSculpting treatments, an external applicator uses cool temperatures to destroy fat cells. During the weeks after treatment, the body’s lymphatic system naturally disposes of those fat cells. CoolSculpting can be used all over the body and it usually involves a series of treatments.

What Sets Kybella Apart?

What sets this injectable apart from liposuction and CoolSculpting is that it’s designed to specifically treat unwanted fullness under the chin. This can be a more efficient and effective option than turning to a more general fat-busting treatment and applying it to the tight contours of the under-chin area.

What Other Advantages Does This Treatment Offer?

This injectable offers several advantages, including quick treatment and permanent results.

Quick Treatments

This treatment system is a no-hassle, no-fuss option. Each appointment will take less than 30 minutes and can easily be worked into a busy schedule. And because this is not an invasive treatment, there is no downtime and no need to do anything special to prepare. You’ll be able to get right back to your schedule afterward.

A Sleek, Defined Profile

This injectable won’t remove a lot of fat from the chin area, but it will remove enough to make your chin and jaw sleeker and more refined. The extra fullness that sometimes develops under the chin can age a patient and make them look heavier than they are. Getting rid of that fullness can restore definition along the jawline and give the patient a more youthful appearance.

Tighter Skin

It’s frustrating when you lose unwanted weight only to find that you’re left with loose skin. It feels like you’ve traded one cosmetic concern for another. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about that happening with this treatment. In addition to getting rid of unwanted fat, this injectable will also subtly tighten the skin under your chin, leaving it smooth and sculpted.

Permanent Results

This treatment’s ability to permanently get rid of unwanted fullness under the chin is a key advantage. If you’ve struggled for years with a chin that has always seemed too full, imagine how nice it would feel to put that behind you. Patients who have undergone this treatment feel great about themselves and experience a surge in self-confidence.

Can I Resolve Submental Fullness on My Own?

Submental fullness can develop as a result of several factors, many of which patients have no control over. Age, lifestyle choices, and poor posture that leaves the chin and neck muscles weak can all contribute to chin fullness. Genetics can also be a factor. Sometimes a full chin simply runs in the family. While submental fullness isn’t always something that a patient can resolve independently, several steps can help you put your best face forward.

Commit to a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating right and exercising regularly may help you shed a few pounds and reduce some of your submental fullness. Because of the intricate mix of factors that contribute to submental fullness, a healthy lifestyle might not resolve the condition entirely, but it can help you put your best face forward.

Take Care of Your Skin

Taking good care of your skin through a regular regimen of cleansing, moisturizing, and exfoliating is another way of presenting your best self. A skincare regimen won’t get rid of submental fullness, but keeping your skin in good shape is a great way of improving your appearance. A good skincare regimen can also ward off loose skin, which can contribute to the appearance of a double chin.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella?

If you’re interested in finding out if you’re a good candidate for this injectable, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Luis Rios. Dr. Rios earned his undergraduate degree in biology from Harvard University and his medical degree from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, TX. He also completed a successful residency at UC Davis and a hand surgery fellowship at the Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Rios is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

During your consultation, Dr. Rios will review your medical history, evaluate your area of concern, and talk with you about your cosmetic goals. He’ll determine if you’re a candidate for this state-of-the-art injectable treatment. But there are several early signs that you may be an especially good candidate.

You’re in Good Health

Just about every individual who is over the age of 18 and in good overall health is a potential candidate for this treatment. We usually ask patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding to postpone treatment. Patients who have had facial surgery, or who are planning to have it in the future, may not be candidates.

Your Skin Is in Good Shape

This treatment works well on all skin types and tones, but the skin needs to be healthy. If the skin under the chin is infected or inflamed for any reason, we may recommend postponing treatment.

Submental Fullness Is the Problem

Sometimes loose skin beneath the chin can be misinterpreted as submental fullness. Even though this injectable can tighten up the skin beneath the chin, its primary goal is to destroy the fat cells in that area. Dr. Rios can determine whether the chin fullness you’re dealing with is the result of unwanted fat or excess skin. If excess skin is the problem, he may recommend a different treatment.

Your Chin Is Holding You Back

Is submental fullness taking a toll on your self-esteem? Lots of patients have some degree of submental fullness, but if your fullness is truly bothering you, it may be time to seek treatment. A series of injectable treatments can help you put chin fullness behind you for good.

You Understand the Treatment

The best patients understand that this treatment doesn’t offer an immediate fix. It will take a few weeks for improvement in the chin area to develop, and some patients will need more than one treatment. But individuals who can be patient with the process enjoy excellent results. And the gradual way in which results develop makes them more natural in appearance. Patients simply look as though they’ve lost a little weight on their own.

Kybella Q&A

There’s a lot of interest in this injectable treatment, and it’s easy to see why. Lines and wrinkles get most of the attention when it comes to fighting signs of aging, but under-chin fullness can also significantly impact a patient’s appearance. Because we know you’re curious, here are answers to some questions we frequently get about this treatment.

Can This Help With Jowls?

This treatment can’t be performed on the jowls. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your jowls, we can work with you to find a more effective treatment.

Can It Be Used in Combination With Other Services?

Yes, this treatment can be combined with other services to fully address a patient’s cosmetic goals and concerns. Dermal fillers, botulinum toxin injections, and laser hair removal are all services that can be easily combined with this injectable.

How Different Will My Chin Look After Treatment?

Once your results from this treatment have fully developed, your chin will be sleeker in appearance. The results will be subtle, but they’ll be just enough to improve your overall appearance. When viewed from the side, the curve that connects your chin to your neck will be tauter and have a more natural arc. And when viewing your face head-on, the chin will be slightly more narrow. Many patients are surprised at how this modest improvement can enhance their look. They suddenly look younger, healthier, and more fit.

How Safe Is This Treatment?

This non-invasive treatment is a safe and convenient way of addressing submental fullness. This injectable was approved by the FDA in 2015.

Get Started Today

Whether you’ve struggled with submental fullness for years or it’s something that has only recently developed, this injectable treatment can help. Kybella can remove your double chin, giving you results in as soon as four weeks. Our Rio Grande Valley patients have fallen in love with this treatment, and you will too! Call Rios Center for Plastic Surgery, in Edinburg, TX and schedule a Kybella consultation today.

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