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According to research, people will look first at your eyes and then your nose. For better or worse, we subconsciously judge people based on their appearance, and our appearance can have a direct correlation with our feelings of self-worth. A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is not just for hockey players who break their noses on the ice. There are many physical and mental benefits associated with rhinoplasty. Contact the experts at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, TX to learn more about why so many people in McAllen, TX opt for this procedure.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, is reconstructive surgery performed to correct disfigurements of the nose. It is a highly popular, safe and effective cosmetic procedure which offers a host of benefits beyond just fixing a broken nose. It can significantly improve your quality of life by improving your breathing, helping you sleep and improving your self-confidence, which positively affects your ability to develop and keep interpersonal relationships.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

The benefits span both physical and mental. Let’s dive into this:

Improves Sinus Conditions

Rhinoplasty can improve inflammation of the sinuses, also known as chronic sinusitis. Infections occur when the nasal passages get blocked and filled with fluid, attracting bacteria. Reconstructing the nasal passages can aid in relieving this condition.

Helps With Breathing

Sometimes, structural issues with the nasal passages make breathing through the nose difficult. For example, a deviated septum, or crooked wall between the nasal passages, can make one nostril significantly smaller than the other. Fixing a deviated septum can also cure sinusitis and frequent nosebleeds.

Reduces Snoring

On the surface, this may seem like a superficial problem. However, snoring is the third leading cause of divorce, and almost 25 percent of married couples sleep in separate bedrooms due to snoring. Schedule a consultation in McAllen, TX to see if your snoring is caused by a deviated septum that can be fixed by rhinoplasty.

Improves Appearance

An asymmetrical nose can make you feel self-conscious. This lack of self-confidence can negatively impact interpersonal relations both in your professional and personal life. Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of your nose, making you more self-confident so you can talk to that cute girl at the bar or ask your boss for that raise.

Corrects Birth Defects

Nose jobs are not just for celebrities who dislike the way they look. There are babies born, through no fault of their own, with birth defects which cause them difficulty breathing. Removing these nasal imperfections can improve their quality of life by allowing them to look better when they grow up and breathe easier throughout life.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

If you want to learn more about rhinoplasty in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area, call the professional staff at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, TX. Contact us today for a consultation!

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