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If you are like most people, you care about the way you look. You understand that the way you look impacts the way that people treat you. When you like the way you look, you carry yourself with a confidence that others see. Conversely, when you are not happy with the way you look, your lack of confidence may dictate the way other people treat you. There are a number of things that might be affecting your self-confidence. If a double chin is one of them, you may be interested in knowing that Kybella® is a simple yet effective way to address this issue.

Why You May Be Battling with a Double Chin

If you have a double chin, you have likely looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered why you have it. Contrary to what people think, a person does not need to be overweight to have a double chin. There are many people who are at their healthy BMI and still have that submental fullness.

Some people in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area develop a double chin as a result of the aging process and a shift in the fat deposits in their face. For other people, having a double chin is hereditary. Their parents and their grandparents had it, and they will likely pass it on to their children. The problem with a double chin is that it widens your face and your neck. It leaves you with an undefined jawline, and this can negatively impact your appearance.

In fact, an individual who is healthy and at a healthy weight may look heavy because they have a double chin. And you can’t exercise it away. There are no diets that are going to pinpoint your double chin, and there’s no workout you can do to tone up that area. This is where Kybella® comes into play.

How Can Kybella® Help You?

Kybella® is a non-surgical treatment that has been specifically designed and approved to address the submental fullness you may be dealing with. The way that it does this is by using an active ingredient called deoxycholic acid. This acid is something that your body produces naturally. It’s what your body uses to break down the fats that you eat.

The deoxycholic acid in Kybella® works in the same way that the natural substance does. These injections will cause the fat underneath your chin to start to break down and be removed by your body’s natural waste removal process. It is that simple.

Are you frustrated with the way your double chin is affecting your appearance? Would you like to do something about it? If so, learn more about how Kybella® injections at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg can benefit you. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!

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