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Maybe you’ve been through one or more pregnancies, or it’s just something you’ve always wanted. Maybe you’ve recently undergone a mastectomy due to cancer and you want to restore what the disease took from you. Whatever your reason may be, one thing remains the same: you are ready for a breast augmentation, and at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, TX, we can help.


We are proud to offer our clients the opportunity to undergo breast augmentation, a procedure that can improve the appearance, size, and shape of your breasts so that you can feel more confident and love the image you see in the mirror. Dr. Rios and our experienced staff will walk you through each step of the journey, from your initial consultation to your recovery period.


When referring to breast surgery, breast implants and breast augmentation are often used interchangeably, and while implants are the most common method used to augment the breasts, they are just a form of augmentation. Augmentations are designed to increase the size and change the shape of the breasts with implants or a less common method known as a fat transfer.


What Is a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation goes by many names, but breast enhancement is the only other correct term that refers to it. The primary goal of an enhancement is to increase the size of the breasts, and that can be done with two methods: an implant or a fat transfer. There are both medical and cosmetic reasons for this procedure. Some women just want bigger, more aesthetic-looking breasts while other women elect this surgery after experiencing a mastectomy.


What Are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are the most common choice among women who choose breast augmentation. They are inserted into the breast during the procedure to change the size and shape of the breasts. They also can be used to restore fullness to the area after pregnancy, nursing, or a mastectomy.


Types of Implants

Saline and silicone are the two most common types of implants used during augmentations today. Silicone implants are the most popular because they feel the most natural. They are made of a gel-like substance, which gives them their natural feel. Saline implants contain saline. They are essentially saltwater surrounded by a shell made of elastomer silicone. Size is then based on how much saline is added to each implant.


Which Implant Is Right for Me?

Many factors come into play when choosing between silicone and implants. First, you will need to determine what type of shape you want. You can choose between a teardrop shape and a round shape. Then, you’ll need to decide what kind of texture you want. Some implants have texture while others are completely smooth.


Finally, the main factor that you’ll need to decide on is the size. There are other aspects involved in customizing your implant, including where they will be placed in the body and what type of incision you will need for the best results. If all of this feels overwhelming, you can rest assured that Dr. Rios will discuss each of these decisions with you during the consultation process and help create the perfect treatment plan that will give you amazing results.


What Is a Fat Transfer?

A benefit of breast augmentation is that you can customize it to your needs and goals. Many people think that implants are the only option, but there is another less common option that delivers results and it’s a fat transfer. This option does have its limitations, but many women have chosen it and have been extremely satisfied with their results.


Fat transfers to augment the breasts have been growing in popularity among women in recent years. During a fat transfer, fat is harvested from a donor site, which is an area of the body where the fat is removed from. It is then prepared and injected into your breasts. This method does have its limitations since it typically can only increase the size of your breasts by two cup sizes.


The Importance of Realistic Expectations

Before any elective surgery, it’s important that you understand the purpose and ability of the procedure, including what it is and isn’t able to do. Some women have a picture in their minds of how their breasts will look post-surgery, and while we do everything we can to make that a reality, there are some things that augmentation cannot do.


For example, it cannot address sagging breasts, that’s what a breast lift is for. A breast lift will not only lift the skin but will reposition both the nipples. It will also remove any extra skin that is causing the sagging, and tighten the entire area so that you get a lifted more youthful look. This procedure can be performed in conjunction with augmentation.


Breast Augmentation FAQ’s

What Is the Recovery Like?

Most patients describe the recovery following this procedure as minimal. Typically, you will be able to resume your normal activities after 48 hours of rest. To get the best results, you will be asked to avoid any excessive upper arm movements for the first two weeks post-op.


You will also be advised not to lift anything more than 5 pounds for a period of time. During your consultation, Dr. Rios will review all of the recovery instructions with you so that you know exactly what to expect so that you can get the best results.


Can I Combine Procedures?

One of the benefits of breast augmentation Mexico is that it can be combined with other elective surgeries. For example, many women include augmentation as a part of their mommy makeover. It can also be combined with a breast lift. During your consultation, Dr. Rios will discuss your goals with you, analyze your current breasts and help determine which combinations of procedures will give you the best results.


How Long Will My Results Last?

A breast augmentation will provide you with long-lasting results that you will enjoy for years. However, the results are semi-permanent. It is typically advised that you redo your implants after 10 years. Additionally, you should schedule regular checkups to ensure that the condition and placement of your implants are correct, intact, and in the proper placement.


Can I Still Breastfeed After an Augmentation?

We understand that when you want to breastfeed, and elective surgery could prevent you from doing so, it would be a dealbreaker. If you plan on becoming pregnant and nursing after your procedure at any point, be sure to let Dr. Rios know during your consultation. There are ways to strategically place your implant so that you can successfully breastfeed if you so desire.


What Happens During the Procedure?

If you choose the route of an implant, you will be placed under general anesthesia before the procedure begins. Dr. Rios will then make a strategic incision based on your treatment plan that will be pre-decided during your consultation. Incisions can typically be made in the armpit, under the breasts, or around the nipple.


Once the incision is made, your implant will be inserted in the best location based on your needs and goals. The incision will then be closed and you will be sent to recovery. If you choose a fat transfer, fat will be removed from a donor site, cleaned, prepared, and put into an injectable form, and then injected into areas of your breasts.


What Is the Best Age for This Procedure?

Age is a factor to consider before any surgery, which is why women in their 30s or younger are typically the best candidates. However, this does not disqualify women in their 40s and 50s from successfully undergoing this procedure. During your consultation, we will consider many different factors to determine if this procedure is right for you.


Am I a Candidate?

The most important factor that determines whether you are a candidate for this procedure is your health. If you are in good health and want to improve the appearance, size, and shape of your breasts for either cosmetic or medical reasons, you may qualify for this procedure. Those who make good candidates include:

  • Women whose breasts have been negatively impacted by pregnancy and nursing
  • Women who have has a mastectomy due to breast cancer
  • Women who aren’t happy with the appearance or size of their natural breasts

During your initial consultation, Dr. Rios will perform an extensive evaluation to determine if this procedure is right for you. He’ll review your health history, and discuss your goals. Once he determines that you are a candidate for this procedure, he’ll begin developing a customized treatment plan tailored to your goals. He will review all of the options available and explain in detail what is involved with each.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Rios

If you live in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area and have been waiting for the perfect time to invest in yourself, your appearance, and your self-confidence, now is the time. At our office, our goal is to exceed your expectations and help you reach all of your aesthetic goals. Contact us today at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, TX, and schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Rios to find out if Mexico breast augmentation is right for you.

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