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A mommy makeover can be a fantastic way to get your pre-pregnancy body back and allow you to look and feel your best. At Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, Texas, we understand the way that bodily changes can affect your self-esteem. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to look and feel your best with a customized treatment plan created just for you.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

These treatment plans are highly personalized, so each one will be different depending on the patient. Generally speaking, these treatments target the stomach and breasts, two areas of the body that pregnancy tends to affect the most. Our team can discuss your options with you and put together a unique treatment plan that works for your body and needs.

The first thing that our team does is set up an in-depth consultation to discuss your goals and let you know what treatments can help you get your pre-pregnancy body back. We want to make sure that you are completely comfortable with the treatment plan from start to finish, so we’ll use the consultation as a time for you to ask any questions that you might have. We will only proceed when you’re totally satisfied and comfortable.

Breast Lift/Augmentation

Pregnancies tend to change the breasts dramatically, so some kind of breast lift or augmentation is usually part of the mommy makeover in Mexico. Candidates can also have both done at once. Our team, spearheaded by Dr. Rios, is skilled in breast augmentation, lifts, breast reconstruction, and breast reductions.


Augmentations are typically known as breast implants. Most augmentations are done to change the shape or size of breasts, but they can also be part of a reconstruction treatment. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rios will talk to you about the kind of implants available and how each one is designed to look and feel in your body.


Lifts are a very popular part of mommy makeover texas and help to raise and firm up post-pregnancy breasts. The breasts naturally droop during pregnancy, and this drop is usually exacerbated through breastfeeding and post-pregnancy weight loss. As a result, many women don’t like their breasts’ aesthetic look and want to lift and recenter them.

During your breast lift, excess skin will be removed, and the breasts will be lifted to a higher position on your chest. Your nipple might also be reduced in size to give your breasts a more even and attractive look. All of these options will be discussed with you in the consultation, and your lift can certainly be customized to suit your exact needs. The result is usually a higher, perkier, and fuller-looking breast.

Tummy Tuck

As our stomachs dramatically change during pregnancy, tummy tucks are one of the key elements to most mommy makeover texas. a tummy tuck will help contour the belly, getting rid of sagging skin and giving you a tighter, flatter-looking midsection. Most patients go down in a few pants sizes, but the real results can be seen on the naked torso. Some tummy tucks will even help you showcase those coveted abdominal muscles.

Tummy tucks can dramatically change the way that your body looks, shedding pounds and excess skin and giving you a lovely beach-worthy pre-pregnancy body.


Liposuction is one of the oldest types of cosmetic treatments and can help people shed excess weight after pregnancy. Liposuction works by removing fat from your stomach and can be done in conjunction with other aspects of the mommy makeover. We will discuss all of your options during your initial consultation and let you know if liposuction is an appropriate treatment for you.

Our goal is to make you as happy and comfortable with your body as possible, so we can always modify or change this standard treatment plan as needed. Talk to us about additional options if there are other areas of your post-pregnancy body that you want to be altered.

Pregnancy Changes Your Body

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful parts of life, but it also changes your body dramatically. When we’re pregnant, we tend to gain a lot of weight quickly, which puts stress on our skin and fundamentally changes the way that our bodies look. After giving birth, we might notice that things just aren’t where they used to be and that our skin has lost some of the elasticity that it once had. The reason why mommy makeover texas have skyrocketed in popularity is that women are learning that they can have the miracle of life and their pre-pregnancy bodies at the same time.

Pregnancy can cause your breasts to sag, something that is also caused by breastfeeding and rapid weight gain and loss. It can also stretch out your abdominal muscles, make it difficult to lose tummy weight, even if you exercise regularly. Most women who have given birth to one or more children find that their skin is looser, especially around the breasts and belly area. While previous generations simply had to live with their bodily changes, we have the option of turning back the clock and giving you your pre-pregnancy body back through specialized treatments.

A Way to Pamper Yourself

New moms often find that they have little time to spare for themselves. New babies require attention nearly every hour of the day, and many new moms barely have a second to rest. The mommy makeover texas is a great way to pamper yourself and do something that will make you feel better. It’s a way to reclaim your body after having a baby and learn to feel good in your clothes and skin again.

New moms also tend to stay in the house caring for their infant children for the first portion of their young lives, so a mommy makeover texas can be a fantastic way to help women prepare for going out into the world again with renewed confidence. Many moms see the makeover as a reward and a way to feel sexy and complete after nine months of carrying their baby. Whatever reason you have for opting for your makeover, we are here to ensure that it accomplishes your goals.

Good Candidates

Anyone who has recently given birth and wants to reclaim their body back is a good candidate for a mommy makeover texas, although it’s best to get one of these treatments when you are completely done with breastfeeding. It can be difficult or impossible to breastfeed during your recovery, and breastfeeding causes breast tissues to sag. It’s also a good idea to wait until your body has healed fully from the pregnancy before embarking on this treatment plan, especially if you’ve had a C-section.

The ideal candidate is also in reasonably good health and has a good idea of what she would like to achieve from the treatment plan itself. Our team will review all of your options with you and evaluate your personal situation. We can then work up a plan that’s perfectly suited to your needs. Our goal is to be as realistic as possible and answer any questions that you might have well in advance, so you are fully committed to your treatment plan before we start.

You Don’t Need to Be a Mother

Although these treatment plans are designed to target the areas of the body usually affected by a pregnancy, you don’t actually need to be a mother to get a mommy makeover. Sagging breasts and abdominal changes are also natural parts of aging, so many women who have reached menopause or undergone significant weight changes opt for parts of the makeover to change these parts of their bodies. You will sit down with our team to discuss your goals, and we will put together a personalized plan to fit your needs.

You Should Be Done Having Children

Mommy makeovers work best for people who are done having children. You can get pregnant and give birth after having one of these treatment plans, but your body will alter again, and you might have to come back in for some touch-up work. Since these treatments specifically deal with areas that are changed throughout pregnancy, it’s best to treat yourself to one once you have finished having all of your children.

Ways to Maintain Your Mommy Makeover

The best way to keep the new you looking fabulous for the long run is to practice a healthy diet and lifestyle. After your treatment plan, try to maintain and keep a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise. Maintaining a healthy weight will help to keep your stomach svelte and your breasts perky, but it also has other fringe benefits like dewy looking skin and more energy. When in doubt, try to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables and do some cardiovascular exercise at least a few times a week.

If you smoke, try to quit. Smoking can prolong the recovery process and may lead to other health hurdles down the road. Also, make sure to apply sunscreen, especially in any areas where you have incisions. Your post-treatment areas could be a lot more sensitive to the sun, and you certainly don’t want to risk any problems. Follow these steps, and you should be well on the road to a smooth recovery from your treatment plan. Also, you should be able to enjoy the results of your treatments sooner.

Get Your Body Back Today

Pregnancy is a beautiful and special time in our lives, and it should be celebrated and cherished, but we don’t have to live with the physical results that pregnancy takes on our bodies. People can now get their gorgeous pre-pregnancy bodies back today with a few easy treatments and a customized plan. Our team is headed up by Dr. Rios, who specializes in plastic surgery and has been working in the field since 1998. We are an AAAASF-certified center with state-of-the-art equipment and the highest level of professional standards. Our capable and knowledgeable staff is here to help you get the body of your dreams.

If you have recently given birth, experienced a large fluctuation in your weight, or are simply seeing the unwanted effects of aging, we can help. Each mommy makeover texas is tailored to your needs and designed to give you a lovely new lease on life and a body that you will want to show off. Contact Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, Texas for a no-pressure consultation today, and let us help you be the most beautiful version of yourself possible.

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