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When you look in a mirror, do you see a nose that isn’t straight? Can you feel abnormal details on the sides of your nose? If so, you might want to consider rhinoplasty. This is a surgery you could also consider if you experience any nasal drainage or other issues related to your nose and your overall health.

A cosmetic decision for rhinoplasty is usually made if you are able to function without the surgery and only want to have the procedure performed to enhance your appearance. If you have an injury or a medical necessity, then the decision to have the surgery is usually one that’s made with your doctor fairly quickly instead of allowing for time to think about whether you really want to have it done to enhance your looks or not. The procedure is performed the same whether for medical or cosmetic reasons.

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is often performed to change the shape of the nose. During a cosmetic procedure, your nostrils can be widened or narrowed. The bridge of your nose could be narrowed. A common rhinoplasty procedure involves narrowing the tip of the nose. A crooked nose can be straightened with the surgery. Your surgeon can also change the angle that’s between your nose and your upper lip so that it’s a bit more proportionate.

Surgical openings can usually be hidden as cosmetic rhinoplasty often involves enhancing your appearance instead of bringing attention to your nose. A benefit of rhinoplasty is that it can give you the self-esteem that you need to be around people. You’ll feel better about how you look, which can then reflect in other areas of your life. One thing to consider about medical rhinoplasty is that it’s often performed for chronic sinus issues as well as nasal injuries or birth defects. The goal of the surgery is to enhance your nasal health using a procedure that changes the structure of your nose.

Learn more about rhinoplasty and why you should consider the procedure by making an appointment with Rios Center for Plastic Surgery. At our convenient location in Edinburg, TX, our caring and knowledgeable professionals will be pleased to explain this option to you in greater detail and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

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