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The Perfect Breasts

When considering breast implants, there are many options to choose from. Certainly, you have considered sizing, but what about the shape, material, and placement? There are many factors to weigh when choosing the perfect implant for you. Dr. Rios and our surgical team are here to make sure you feel supported and informed when it comes to making decisions about your new bust line—we want to ensure you feel confident and comfortable with your choice. Choosing the right breast implant is a critical decision that involves various factors to consider, ensuring that the outcome aligns with your aesthetic goals and lifestyle. Here are some essential considerations to help you make an informed choice:

  • Implant Type: There are three types of breast implants: saline, silicone, and gummy bear. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and are typically adjustable after surgery. Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that often feels more natural, while gummy bear implants are an alternate type of cohesive silicone gel. Each type has its pros and cons, and your choice will depend on factors like personal preference, desired look, and feel.
  • Implant Size and Profile: Selecting the appropriate size and profile of the implant is crucial for achieving your desired breast volume and shape. Your body frame, current breast size, and aesthetic goals will play a significant role in this decision. Dr. Rios will work closely with you to determine the right implant size and profile that complements your proportions.
  • Implant Shape: Implants come in various shapes, including round and teardrop. Round implants provide more fullness in the upper breast, while teardrop implants offer a natural slope and are often preferred for a subtle, natural look.
  • Implant Placement: The implant placement can be subglandular (over the chest muscle) or submuscular (under the chest muscle). The choice of placement depends on factors like your existing breast tissue, lifestyle, and desired results.
  • Incision Location: The incision for breast implant placement can be made around the areola, under the breast, or in the armpit. Dr. Rios will discuss the best incision option for your specific case.
  • Implant Texture: Implants can be smooth or textured. Textured implants are less likely to move within the breast pocket and may reduce the risk of certain complications. However, they are typically used in specific cases and may have their own considerations.
  • Implant Brand: There are different implant manufacturers, each offering various implant options. Dr. Rios will recommend trusted brands known for their safety and quality.

Ultimately, choosing the right breast implant involves open communication with Dr. Rios and a thorough evaluation of your individual goals and anatomy. He will guide you through the decision-making process, ensuring you select the most suitable implant for beautiful and natural-looking breasts that enhance your self-confidence and satisfaction.

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The Choices

At the Rios Center, we offer three types of implants: saline, silicone, or gummy bear. Each comes with its benefits, and the right one for you will depend on various factors you will need to discuss with Dr. Rios.


Silicone breast implants offer several benefits that make them a popular choice for breast augmentation surgery. Some of the key advantages of silicone implants include:

Natural Look and Feel

Silicone implants are known for their ability to mimic the natural look and feel of breast tissue. The cohesive silicone gel inside these implants closely resembles the consistency of natural breast tissue, resulting in a more realistic appearance and texture.

Reduced Rippling and Wrinkling

Silicone implants are less likely to ripple or wrinkle than saline implants, especially in patients with thin breast tissue. This feature contributes to a smoother and more natural-looking breast contour.

Less Visible Scarring

Silicone implants are typically prefilled by the manufacturer, requiring a smaller incision for placement. This can lead to less noticeable scarring than saline implants, which are filled after insertion and may require a larger incision.


Silicone implants are known for their durability and long-lasting results. They are less prone to deflation, wrinkling, or rippling over time, which can contribute to the longevity of your breast augmentation results.

Reduced Risk of "Water Hammer Effect"

Unlike saline implants, which can produce a sloshing or "water hammer" effect when moving, silicone implants remain stable, providing a more comfortable and natural sensation.

Choice of Implant Profiles

Silicone implants are available in various profiles, including low, moderate, high, and ultra-high profiles. This allows a more customized approach to achieving the desired breast shape and projection.

Lower Incidence of "Bottoming Out”

Silicone implants have a lower tendency to "bottom out," where the implants descend below the natural breast fold. This can result in a more stable and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

It's important to note that while silicone implants offer these benefits, the choice between implant types should be based on individual preferences, anatomy, and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rios, who can provide expert guidance to help you achieve your desired breast enhancement goals.

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Saline breast implants are another popular implant choice. Some of the advantages of saline implants include:

Adjustable Volume

One significant advantage of saline implants is that they are filled with sterile salt water after placement. This allows for easy adjustment of the implant volume during the surgery to achieve precise symmetry and the desired breast size.

Smaller Incisions

Saline implants are typically inserted through smaller incisions compared to silicone implants. The ability to fill the implant after insertion means the incisions can be less noticeable, resulting in potentially less visible scars.

Safety in Case of Rupture

In the rare event of a rupture or leakage, saline is a biocompatible substance that the body can safely absorb and naturally eliminate. This means a rupture is easier to detect as the affected breast will visibly deflate, allowing for prompt replacement or removal.

Cost-Effective Option

Saline implants tend to be more cost-effective than silicone implants, making them a budget-friendly choice for some patients seeking breast augmentation.

Customized Fill

The surgeon can adjust the saline implant's fill volume to match the patient's desired breast size and symmetry, resulting in a tailored outcome.

Peace of Mind

Some patients prefer the peace of mind that comes with knowing that saline implants contain a natural substance and can be safely absorbed by the body in case of a rupture.

It's important to note that the choice between saline and silicone implants should be based on individual preferences, anatomy, and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rios. He can provide expert guidance to help you select the most suitable implant type to achieve your desired breast enhancement goals.

Gummy Bear

Gummy bear implants, also known as cohesive silicone gel implants, are the third option we offer. Some advantages of gummy bear implants include:

Natural Look and Feel

Gummy bear implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that closely resembles the texture and consistency of natural breast tissue. This results in a more realistic and natural look and feel, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the breasts.

Shape Retention

These implants are known for maintaining their shape, even when cut in half. This means they are less likely to ripple, wrinkle, or fold, providing a consistently smooth and well-defined breast contour.

Reduced Risk of Rupture

Gummy bear implants are designed to be highly durable and less prone to rupture or leakage compared to traditional silicone implants. The cohesive gel inside these implants holds together even if the outer shell is compromised, minimizing the risk of silicone gel migration.

Lower Incidence of Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a complication that can occur when scar tissue around the implant tightens and causes the breast to become firm or distorted. Gummy bear implants have been associated with a lower risk of capsular contracture compared to some other implant types.

Less Visible Scarring

Gummy bear implants are typically pre-filled by the manufacturer, requiring smaller incisions for placement. This can result in less noticeable scarring compared to implants that are filled after insertion.

Choice of Shapes

Gummy bear implants are available in both round and teardrop shapes, allowing for a customized approach to achieving the desired breast shape and projection.

Long-Lasting Results

Due to their durability and reduced risk of complications, gummy bear implants are known for their long-lasting results, providing patients with beautiful and sustainable outcomes.

It's critical to discuss your breast augmentation goals and preferences with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rios, who can provide personalized recommendations and help you determine whether gummy bear implants are the right choice for your individual needs.

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The Perfect Implant FOR YOU

Dr. Rios knows almost all there is to know about breast tissue and implant types. The best way to find the perfect match for you is with a consultation where you’ll meet with Dr. Rios here at the Rios Center to discuss specifics about your individual case. Dr. Rios understands that no two augmentations are the same and works tirelessly to ensure his patients are happy and comfortable with their implant choice.

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