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You are trying so hard to get the figure that will make you happy. You have a fitness routine and you watch your diet. All of your efforts have helped you to trim down your weight. You don’t have a problem with how much you weigh. You have a problem with resistant fat that is hanging on to your midsection. To top it off, the skin is flabby and your muscle tone in your abdomen isn’t good. You need help to get optimal results. It may be time to think about a tummy tuck combined with liposuction. Our board-certified plastic surgeon can assist you when your own efforts haven’t been enough.

Why Choose a Tummy Tuck Combined with Liposuction?

When you have stubborn fat on your abdomen, it can be really frustrating. No amount of exercise or good eating habits may sculpt your tummy in the way that you would like. This especially holds true if you have had children. Pregnancy can really take a toll on your abdomen, stretching out your muscles and your skin. You may also find you have loose skin that won’t tighten up after pregnancy. Women who have lost a large amount of weight experience similar problems. Losing weight can leave men and women with stubborn deposits of fat on their abdomens.

When you are dealing with stubborn fat, loose skin and loose abdominal muscles, you may want to think about a tummy tuck combined with liposuction. This combination procedure can help you to get over the frustration when your body won’t do what you set out to do on your own.

What to Expect with a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

These are outpatient procedures that are customized for you. Our surgeon can use liposuction in order to skillfully remove excess fat and a tummy tuck to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. The remaining skin can then be pulled tight in order to achieve a tight, toned midsection. Once you have fully healed from your combination procedure, you will be able to enjoy your new and improved physique.

Make an Investment in Yourself

When you choose to have a tummy tuck polished off with liposuction, you are making yourself a top priority. You are choosing to make a change to your figure that will make you happy. Set up a consultation with Dr. Rios at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg to find out how a tummy tuck combined with liposuction can help you. We proudly serve men and women in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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