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Throughout life, your body goes through a lot of changes. Some of these changes are positive, and some of them may not be so positive. In times past, if you put on extra weight and it caused you to have excess skin or excess flab in your midsection, there was nothing you could do about it. It was just considered a part of getting older or a part of life after pregnancy. Thankfully, those days are gone. If you have excess flab, loose muscles, or excess skin around your midsection, you can regain a shape you’ll love with a tummy tuck.

If you go back 20 years, the idea of getting a tummy tuck was seen as a little bit of a taboo. It was seen as something that only the rich and famous could do or something that only an individual who was vain would do. People mistakenly thought that individuals who needed a tummy tuck needed one because they were too lazy to put in the hard work to exercise and diet to lose weight and to tighten up their abdominal muscles.

Thankfully, those days of ignorance are a thing of the past. Now, it is clearly understood that after losing a lot of weight, after pregnancy, and after other body changes, sometimes the only way that you can regain your shape is with a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck is a very versatile procedure. It is going to be tailored by our cosmetic surgeon to meet the needs that you have. If you have excess flab, it can be removed. If pregnancy has left you with weaker abdominal muscles, these can be tightened. Excess skin can be removed as well. The basic idea is to re-contour your midsection so that you look and feel your best.

Life is full of ups and downs. There are things that can drastically change the shape and size of our body. However, if your body shape is affecting your self-confidence, you can do something about it. Regain a shape you’ll love with a tummy tuck performed by Dr. Rios at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in the Rio Grande Valley/RGV area. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Edinburg!

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