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One of the first things we notice in others is their skin, and healthy, vibrant skin conveys a youthful, cheerful appearance. Micro-needling is a technique that can improve the quality of skin by stimulating collagen production, taking years off of damaged skin. Because this technique stimulates the production of collagen, it can correct many difficult-to-treat skin problems. The team at Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, TX uses this technique to help clients in the RGV area present their best skin to the world.

Skin damage can result from sun exposure, age, illness, and a variety of other causes, but it is not something that anyone should have to live with forever. Exposure to the sun and aging can worsen skin problems like pockmarks and dark spots, so treatments that can stop these problems in their tracks provide people with lasting benefits. Micro-needling has become a popular treatment because it can improve skin texture and prevent skin problems from worsening in only a series of simple treatments.

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-needling uses microtrauma to stimulate the skin’s release of collagen and elastin, two important fibers that strengthen skin and improve skin quality. The technique uses a special device made up of tiny needles to penetrate the epidermis and the upper layer of the dermis, the outermost layers of your skin.

Clients in the Rio Grande Valley typically undergo a series of treatments over several months, resulting in significant improvement of even the most difficult skin problems like pockmarks and dark spots. Micro-needling can be used for a variety of indications, though it is particularly useful in treating the following skin problems:

  • Acne
  • Excessive oil production and blackheads
  • Scarring
  • Pockmarks
  • Dark spots
  • Wrinkled, aged skin

What are the Benefits?

Because micro-needling uses microtrauma to stimulate the skin’s own production of healthy, natural factors, it can result in very rapid results, with some clients seeing results immediately. Since it is fast, safe, and non-surgical, micro-needling has advantages over other skin treatments that claim to treat the same sorts of skin problems.

Visit Rios Center for Plastic Surgery

With a host of treatments available to treat skin problems, clients can find themselves navigating through a forest of claims and promises. Though there are treatments for more difficult problems like scarring from cystic acne and pockmarks, few are as cost-effective as micro-needling, which taps into the body’s natural mechanism to create new, smoother skin. At Rios Center for Plastic Surgery in Edinburg, we can help you get the skin you deserve, so contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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