
Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

There are a lot of very active individuals who have always been plagued with a large midsection. They run, they go to the gym, they watch their diet, and still they do not get the results that they want in their midsection. It can be frustrating for these individuals to watch fri...

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Finding the Ideal Plastic Surgeon in the Rio Grande Valley

It's possible that you’ve reached the point in your life that you’ve decided you need to do something about your appearance. You likely started to notice some changes in the way you looked a few years ago. However, these changes were not so dramatic that you fel...

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Top Five Reasons to Get a Breast Lift

If your breasts are sagging because of breastfeeding, pregnancy or age, or if you simply don't like the appearance of your breasts, a breast lift may be a good option for you. Breasts lift surgery is not as popular a topic as breast implants, but it can have enormous aesthe...

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What are the Benefits of Gummy Bear Implants?

You want to enhance your bust. You have put a great deal of thought into this major decision and are ready to move forward. You may have felt that your breasts were always too small, especially when compared to the rest of your body. You may have had fuller breasts once only to l...

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Micro-Needling for Acne Scarring

Having acne is almost a rite of passage for many teenagers. The red, raised bumps seem to come at the worst possible time of life when teens are at their most awkward phase and want to look attractive to others. Although the skin condition usually gets better in a few years, it c...

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What Is PRP and How Can It Benefit My Skin?

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP was originally administered to accelerate the healing of damaged tendons and ligaments. The healing power of platelets has been more recently used to create healthy skin growth. PRP can be combined with micro-needling for truly amazing results. After c...

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SkinTyte for Skin Tightening in McAllen, TX

There are very few positive things that happen to a person's appearance as they get older. The things that you loved about yourself in youth disappear with age. Your facial volume starts to fade. Smooth skin is replaced with wrinkled skin. Tight skin is replaced with loose...

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Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation

When you think about some of the more popular cosmetic procedures that are being performed today, what are the surgical procedures that first pop into your mind? If you are like most people, you're probably thinking about breast augmentation.Just think for a minute about br...

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What are Gummy Bear Implants?

If you're interested in enhancing the size and shape of your breasts, chances are you want to accomplish this with implants that are both safe and natural-looking. At Rios Center for Plastic Surgery, we’re proud to offer our patients access to one of the latest and gr...

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Trim Your Figure with a Tummy Tuck

Having excess skin on your abdomen is not something that is generally considered to be attractive. Usually, when a person has hanging skin on this part of their body, they try to cover it up. If you are in this situation, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck.There are differen...

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